Оn august 26, 2014 National Settlement Depository (NSD) replaced the encryption certificate of the NSD (test environment, GOST and RSA). The users of the Web-client will have to perform the following steps:

  1. download and add the certificate to the Certificate storage. The general procedure of adding certificate is described below on this page;
  2. replace old non-qualified NSD certificate with the new certificate in the Web-client. See Selecting an encryption certificate.

After these settings are made we recommend you to test the functionality of the system by sending a test message to the repository (see Web-client performance check).

The NSD certificate is used for encrypting messages transmitted to the repository. The selection othe certificate is performed at the first login, or at any time in the Cryptography section of the Settings form. If the certificate is not displayed in the list, it must be added in the Certificates storage.

Fig. 1 – list of available certificates

To do it:

  1. download the NSD certificate;

    Test environment, RSA
    Production environment, RSA
    Test environment, GOST
    Production environment, GOST 

  2. run Certificates storage using the Start menu→All Programs→ MOEX EDS DSSK or MICEX  APK Client(depending on the type of cryptography)→Certificates storage;

  3. select Certificates storage→Import Certificate to the local storage (see Fig. 2). This will open a window to select the certificate file (Fig. 3);

    Fig. 2 – starting to import file

    Fig. 3 – selecting a certificate 

  4. select the certificate file (see Fig. 3.1 ) and click Open (see Fig. 3.2 ). Next, the screen displays the window with information about added certificates, in which you should click OK (Fig. 4)

    Fig. 4 – information about the certificate

This will open a window informing the certificate was successfully added to the Certificates storage, where you need to click OK (Fig. 5). 

Fig. 5 – informative message

Next, you need to:

  1. restart the browser;
  2. login into the Web-client;
  3. go to the Cryptography section (Fig. 6) of the Settings form;
  4. click the Set button (Fig. 6).

The NSD Certificate will be displayed in the list of certificates (Fig. 7).

Fig. 6 – Cryptography section

Fig. 7 – list of certificates