To install Option Workshop, start the installer file OptionWorkshop.exe. Next you need to read the terms of the License Agreement. If you accept the terms of the license agreement, set the I accept the terms in the License Agreement (fig. 1. item 1) check box and click the Next button (fig. 1. item 2). If you do not agree to the license agreement, click the Close button.

Figure 1 – License Agreement

This will open a Windows security window, in which you must click Yes. The installation process takes a few minutes and will be displayed in the Status field. By default all possible features will be set. After completing the installation an information window will be displayed (fig. 2), where you should click Finish to exit the installation wizard.

Figure 2 – completing installation

As a result, the shortcut to start the application will display on the desktop. By default, the Option Workshop is installedin to the Program Files folder. You may alter that if it is necessary. All program settings, databases, log files and so on will be stored in the User\AppData\Local\IT Global\Options Workshop\ folder. After installation, you must obtain the license filestart the service and perform the initial system configuration.